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Our Clients Say

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"My husband and I enjoyed the couple's care seminar. This experience provided a safe space to be open and vulnerable. We have developed a techniques and routines to foster and reenforce our love for one another". 

The Gibbs

“I wasn't expecting the experience I was expose too. The Wellness 4U Seminar was engaging and informative.”

Teaque Davis, NY

Tracy Watson, DC

"The best parts of the Wellness seminar were the activities, games, and social enter action". 

Brenda James, NY

"I am so thankful I took the time to invest in myself. The Wellness seminars was an eye opener for me. Thank you, Self-Ish Care for teaching me how to live in this world and not just exist in this world". 

Lisa Johnson, MI

“Have customers review you and share what they had to say. Click to edit and add their testimonial.”

Self-Ish Care Feedback
Tell us what you thought about it.

How satisfied were you with the workshop?How satisfied were you with the workshop?
How relevant was it for you?How relevant was it for you?
What was the best part of the Woekshop?
How convenient were the time & place?How convenient were the time & place?
Would you consider coming to future events?

Thanks for your feedback!

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